Commissions 2024


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Thank you for taking a look!
But first: You must be an adult in order to hire me for work.
If you are under the age of 18, please click out.By continuing forward you are guaranteeing to me that you are an adult and you wish to proceed.

  • Commissions take place through my work discord, you will be given access upon filling out my form.

  • All payments are up front at the start of the month by default, unless we have discussed otherwise.

  • I do NOT accept Payment plans, as I work too quickly and all illustrations are completed within a month, negating any benefit on my end from Payment plans.

  • I don't post 100% of the commissions I take on, so you are more than welcome to share the commission you receive on your own site with proper sourcing.

  • I cannot guarantee slots. I will not be accepting pre-claims just based on contact (first come first serve). Pre-claims are now case-by-case basis and depend on whether or not I believe I can deliver what you're looking for, which hinges on my own inspiration for that month, and will be extremely rare to come by. Thank you.

  • Clients are not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of their commissioned artwork for non fungible tokens (NFT's), Blockchains, AI training or any related derivatives. Use of the artwork for any advertising or profits associated with non fungible tokens or cryptocurrency and Unethical AI is strictly prohibited. Violation of this clause will result in Immediate invoicing for the Cumulative Commercial license; Min $1,800 - Max $5,000.

Discord: By Request



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All commissions ordered are guaranteed to be delivered within 1-31 days in the month they are ordered

Portrait $130 USD
Half Length $160 USD
Full Body $190 USD
Complexity $25-$100 USD
I render in many different ways and do not accept style requests or limitations. All orders are experimental. I encourage you to commission me for interesting and fun pieces, I love doing creative things!15 edits
[Additional $5 per edit after the initial 15 free changes]

Humanoid $320 USD
Beast $400 USD
Specialty $600 USD
Additional Items $25-$75 USD Per added object or item
Complexity $25-$100 USD
Features One fullbody front, One partial back, eye & mouth detail, Nudity Options on both Ref-sheet versions.
Specialty is negotiable, but defaults as highly rendered
20 edits
[Additional $10 per edit after the initial 20 free changes]

Artistic Liberty $70 USD
Client Control $110 USD
Tattoos $25-$100 USD
Weapons $25-$100 USD
Pricing is broad because it is generally a case-by-case basis for official quotes.10 edits
[Additional $5 per edit after the initial 10 free edits]

Edit restrictions are in place to prevent conflict. It is very hard for me to say no and express when something is getting out of hand as far as runaway edits on commissions. Change limits to commissions are now in place in order to make work more clear for both you and I! These edit restrictions do not apply to our sketching phase, I encourage you to be receptive and responsive to every time I ask for your feedback, sketching is the time to go ham.


  • Mature Themes

  • Horror (monsters/blood/gore)

  • Monsters, Aliens, Robots, Furries

  • Biped or Quadruped creatures

  • Character Designs, Artistic liberty or Guided by Client

  • Character Outfit, Weapons, and Tattoo designs

  • Respectful, loving representation of Trans and intersex bodies


  • Highly complex background/scenery (case by case basis, but usually no. Price is negotiated directly)

  • Real-Life people/celebrities

  • Depictions of unwanted Sexual Violence

  • Child Abuse Material [DNI/Hard Block]

  • Racist Caricatures, Anti-Semitic imagery, Religious or Cultural bigotry

  • Cruel and fetishizing depictions of Trans and Intersex bodies

Those are my preferences. I am not responsible for the failure of clients to respect my clearly stated boundaries and limits. Please be honorable about commissioning me. People do not have to explain themselves and why they offer or reject certain themes. Be mature or look elsewhere if you can't find what you're looking for.

Prioritization options


  • If you request prioritization your commission will be completed within 1-7 days of order, and you will skip the standard queue practice directly into first served.

  • If you request this please be attentive and responsive to communication and WIPS!

  • If you are unresponsive and the passage of time succeeds 5 days, you will not be refunded, I will provide every opportunity for interacting and feedback. If WIPS go un-responded to for 24 hours, I will proceed with the order as if the WIPs have been confirmed. I cannot emphasize this enough; be as on top of it as I'll be!

  • If you cannot guarantee that you will be present and interactive, please do not choose this option.

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Terms of Service

My Commission & Adopts discord is available for regular, new, or passing through clients.
You will be given an opportunity to join if you wish to get once a month alerts to my queue availability or see rare adoptable drops. It is a silent server where no one can ping but me, so no fear of an explosively loud space!NOTICE: You must provide your discord and expect interactions to take place over discord. I do not use tumblr DM's or Emails to communicate, I work too fast for those to be efficient for me!Please enter into this work space with professionalism and kindness and I will repay the same.I treat commissions very seriously as they are my full time job, so I am diligent with regards to completing them!Once we finish your commission you have no obligation to stay, feel free to come and go as you please.

Monday through Friday
12 pm to 8 pm Eastern Standard Time
Times may adjust so that I may reach people in drastically different TimezonesSaturdays and Sundays off in most InstancesAll payments are done via Invoicing at the start of the month or date specified (no later than the 10th). Please pay your invoice within 48 hours of their due date.If you are commissioning me, please be as respectful of my time as I am of yours. I want to make sure I do justice to your ideas and honor your creativity. Please be present when we work together!
Thank you.
Commissions take place over my work discord's DMs, you can come and go as you please, no obligation to stay and no obligation to leave once we're done, especially if you're a repeat client!


  • You will be informed in real-time of updates. I provide screenshots through the sketching process and will ask you if you want things changed or altered. Please use this opportunity to ask for edits, changes, and provide suggestions!

  • Once I begin to ink or render, if you request large alterations, you will be asked to compensate for the extra time put into your commission.

  • By choosing to get a commission from me you are thereby agreeing to the fact you cannot ask for a refund of full payment once the commission reaches the end of the sketching phase. You will be required to compensate me for what I have already put work and effort into.

  • You will be returned the portion of money that did not go into the work itself as well as given the image up to the point that it was stopped. You will compensate for the time, effort, and energy put into your commission up until the point you decided you did not want it anymore and desired a refund. I say this because you will be leaving with the image done up to the point you decided you no longer desired it, and it is not free work.

By commissioning me you are thereby agreeing to my terms of service whether or not you have thoroughly read it through, and you will be held to these rules without fail.NOTICEIt is your responsibility to communicate with me and provide feedback or confirmations to continue your order. If you fail to respond to a request for input and the time of 36 hours elapses, I will continue with the commission as if you have confirmed on the current state of it. It is up to you to take advantage of how involved I invite you to be in a mutually beneficial way.

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